"Behold the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means, God with us." Matthew 1:23
"The King walked over and reached for the book. He turned it toward Lucifer and commanded, 'Come, Deceiver, read the name of the One who will call your bluff. Read the name of the One who will storm your gates.' Satan rose slowly off his haunches. Like a wary wolf, he walked a wide circle toward the desk until he stood before the volume and read the word:Immanuel. 'Immanuel?' he muttered to himself, then spoke in a tone of disbelief. 'God with us?' For the first time the hooded head turned squarely toward the face of the Father. 'No. Not even You would do that. Not even You would go so far.'
'You'e never believed Me, Satan.'
'But Immanuel? The plan is bizzarre! You don't know what it is like on Earth! You don't know how dark I've made it. It's putrid. It's evil. It's...'
'It is Mine,' proclaimed the King. 'And I will reclaim what is Mine. I will become flesh. I will feel what My creatures feel. I will see what they see.'
'But what of their sin?'
'I will bring mercy.'
'What of their death?' 'I will give life.' Satan stood speechless. God spoke, 'I love my children. Love does not take away the beloved's freedom. But love takes away fear. And Immanuel will leave behind a tribe of fearless children. They will not fear you or your hell.' Satan stepped back at the thought. His retort was childish.
'Th-th-they will too!'
'I will take away all sin. I will take away death. Without sin and without death, you will have no power.'
Around and around in a circle Satan paced, clenching and unclenching his wiry fingers. When he finally stopped, he asked a question that even I (Gabriel) was thinking.
'Why? Why would You do this?'
The Father's voice was deep and soft. 'Because I love them.'"
Cosmic Christmas by Max Lucado pages 22-26
Thought for the week: Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.
Funny for the week: Proverbs from Fourth Graders
A 4th grade teacher collected well-known proverbs. She gave each child in the class the first half of the proverb, and asked them to come up with the rest. Here is what they came up with:
Better to be safe than punch a 5th grader
Strike while the bug is close.
It's always darkest before daylight savings time
Never underestimate the power of termites.
You can lead a horse to water but how?
Don't bite the hand that looks dirty.
No news is impossible.
A miss is as good as a Mr.
You can't teach an old dog math.
If you lie down with dogs, you will stink in the morning.
Love all, trust me.
The pen is mightier than the pigs
An idle mind is the best way to relax.
Where there is smoke, there's pollution.
Happy is the bride who gets all the presents.
A penny saved is not much.
Two is company, three's The Musketeers.
None are so blind as Helen Keller.
Children should be seen and not spanked or grounded.
If at first you don't succeed get new batteries.
You get out of something what you see pictured on the box.
When the blind lead the blind get out of the way.
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you; cry and you have to blow your nose.
Sounds good to me………………. Chaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: Which is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four gospels? Feeding of the 5,000
This week’s question: Finish the following: "In all thy ways acknowledge him………"
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