"In God we boast all the day long, and praise his name forever." Psalm 44:8
Many years ago when I was young, ignorant and impulsive (ok, two out of three, alright?) Anyway, I used to love to test people without them knowing what I was doing. I would conclude prayer meeting and ask someone to lead in a specific prayer, such as a prayer of thanksgiving or a prayer of praise. It always amazed me how many times the person I called on would pray about and for everything except what I asked them to pray for. Especially when asked to pray a prayer of praise. How little we know of praise. Praise is simply bragging on someone. Not thanking or asking; just telling God how wonderful and awesome He is. Why would we want to do that? Because nothing gets a person or God's attention like bragging on them. And, since there is nothing greater than God, bragging on Him for who He is, is the greatest complement you can give Him. He loves for us to brag on Him and as we do a deep sense of gratitude settles in our hearts and the more we praise Him the more gratitude pushes out any complaining and selfishness we harbor. When self is finally gone, a quite confidence for the future arrives and we find ourselves bragging on Him even more. "Praise Him, Praise Him, all you little children..." After all, my Bible says that we will be praising and bragging on Him in Heaven for all eternity. Might as well get in practice now. Try it today. No thanks, no give-me, no memorized prayer. Just praise Him. Yes, this is a test!
Thought for the week: There are only two ways of telling the complete truth--anonymously and posthumously.
-- Thomas Sowell
And how about this one: "Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever."
Funny for the week: "Battle Hymns"
A battle arose between the Pastor and the Choir Director of The Lutheran Church of Grace.
The first hint of trouble came when the Pastor preached on "dedicating yourselves to service" and the Choir Director chose to sing: "I Shall Not Be Moved."
Trying to believe it was a coincidence, the Pastor put the incident behind him. The next Sunday he preached on "giving." Afterwards, the choir squirmed as the director led them in the hymn: "Jesus Paid It All."
By this time, the Pastor was losing his temper. Sunday Morning attendance swelled as the tension between the two built. A large crowd showed up the next week to hear his sermon on "The sins of Gossiping." Would you believe the Choir Director selected "I Love To Tell The Story?"
There was no turning back. The following Sunday the Pastor told the congregation that unless something changed, he was considering resignation. The entire church gasped when the Choir Director led them in "Why Not Tonight?"
Truthfully, no one was surprised when the Pastor resigned a week later, explaining that Jesus had led him there and Jesus was leading him away. The Choir Director could not resist "What A Friend We Have In Jesus."
Now that would NEVER happen in a Baptist church……….right...........Chaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: Whom did Silas replace as Paul’s traveling partner? Barnabas (Acts 15:36-40)
This week’s question: Complete the following verse: "I am the way, the truth and the life……"
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