Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 13, 2009

"I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!" Psalm 27:13

There are three toxic attitudes that I believe are very easy for cops to develop. Attitudes that grow on us and against which we must fight our whole life. NEGATIVISM: "Things are bad." PESSIMISM: "Things will turn out bad." CYNICISM: "People and their motives are bad." Just like bacteria can ruin milk, these three attitudes can sour your attitude, poison your soul, erode your faith and make life miserable. And that is true not only for cops but for anyone who becomes infected with these attitudes. God gives us the spiritual ability to resist and rise above these attitudes; to grow in faith, keep confidence in the future, trust God's grace to change people. Dealing with bad situations that tend to always turn out bad because people with bad motives are behind them can color our outlook quickly. That is why only the one who said, "I am the light of the world.." can shine into our dark thoughts and feelings, illuminate and warm the cold black night and give us hope. Do you know Him? He is the only vaccine against these toxic attitudes.

Thought for the week: Whenever you have an efficient government you have a dictatorship.
-- Harry S Truman, Lecture at Columbia University, 28 Apr. 1959

Funny for the week: "Impressions"

One day, at the dry-cleaning shop of a local air force base, I overheard a young airman describe in great detail how he wanted his uniform cleaned and pressed.

When he finished, the counter clerk asked, "Are you getting an award, or do you have an important military function to attend?"

"Nothing like that," the airman said. "I'm going home on leave, and my little brother is taking me to his second-grade class for show-and-tell."

Atta boy ! …………….. Chaplain Barnes

Last week’s answer: In the Beatitudes, who does Jesus say will be satisfied (or filled)? Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matt. 5:6)

This week’s question: What do both Calvary and Golgotha mean?

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