Many years ago when I was in Texas at seminary, my pastor shared this in a sermon. I bought the tape and years later my wife transcribed it for me. It is long, but I encourage you to copy it and put it in your devotional material and read it often. A decade later it would be the ointment that would begin my healing from burn-out. Please, consider keeping a copy and meditating on it often. Author is unknown.
When to do the will of God means that even my Christian brethren will not understand, and I remember that neither did his brethren believe in Him: I bow my head to obey and accept the misunderstanding. This is brokenness.
When I am misrepresented and deliberately misinterpreted, I remember that when Jesus was falsely accused he held his peace and I bow my head to accept the accusation without trying to justify myself. This is brokenness.
When another is preferred before me and I am deliberately passed over, I remember that they cried "away with this man and release Barabus," I bow my head and accept rejection. This is brokenness.
When my plans are brushed aside and I see the work of years brought to ruin for the ambitions of others, I remember Jesus allowed them to lead Him away to crucify Him. I bow my head to accept the injustice without bitterness. This is brokenness.
When in order to be right with my God it is necessary to take the humbling path of confession and restitution, I remember Jesus made Himself of no reputation and humbled Himself even unto death. I bow my head and am ready to accept the shame of exposure. This is brokenness.
When others take unfair advantage of my being a Christian and treat my belongings as public property, I remember the stripped Him and parted His garments casting lots. I bow my head and accept joyfully the spoiling of my own goods for His sake. This is brokenness.
When one acts toward me in an unforgiving way, I remember that when He was crucified, Jesus prayed "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." I bow my head and accept any behavior toward me as permitted by my loving Heavenly Father. This is brokenness.
When people expect the impossible of me and more than time or human strength can give, I remember that Jesus said, "This is my body which is broken for you…" I repent of my self-indulgence and lack of self-giving for others. This is brokenness.
Jesus lived apart from self-effort, self-will and self-glory, and Jesus lived in the power of the Spirit.
Thought for the week: The average person thinks he isn't. -- Father Larry Lorenzoni
Funny for the week: By the Foot
A woman walked into my father's carpet store. She'd just moved out of her parents' home and needed something for her new living-room floor. "Do you know how big the room is?" Dad asked.
"Yes," she said. "It's 22 flip-flops long by 18 flip-flops wide. And I wear a size 8."
Sad but true……………….. Chaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: What eight-letter word means "a falling away from God’s truth"? Apostasy
This week’s question: What was the Aramaic word for "father"?
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