“Let your steadfast love become my comfort; according to your promise to your servant.” Psalm 119:76
Here in the greatest state in the union, North Carolina, we hold bragging rights to the largest Emerald find in the world. Hiddenite seems to be ripe with gems and the locals tell me that after they plow a field, you can find gems that the plow turns up. People who do that are especially happy when it rains. The rain washes the fresh turned earth down and exposes the gems making it easier to find them. Have you ever noticed how God sometimes withholds the blessings until after the rain and storms come? The blessing is there, but we just can’t see it until we weather the storm and through the lessons learned, see the blessings. As a friend of mine said when she lost sight in her eye following surgery, “Sometimes he calms the storm, sometimes he calms the child.” Either way, the storm brought us to the place we could recognize the blessing. However you must remember, He will always do it His way, in His time for His glory. So, if today your life seems to be a dreary rainstorm, start looking because God just may be using that rain of circumstances to wash away the dirt in your life so the gem can shine.
Thought for the week: Men are like bagpipes: no sound comes from them till they're full.
-- Irish Proverb
Funny for the week: "Missed Delivery"
Working at the post office, I'm used to dealing with a moody public. So, when one irate customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, "What's the trouble?"
"I went out this morning," she began, "and when I came home, I found a card saying the mailman tried to deliver a package, but no one was home. I'll have you know, my husband was in all morning! He never heard a thing!"
After apologizing, I got her parcel.
"Oh good!" she gushed. "We've been waiting for this for ages!"
"What is it?" I asked.
"My husband's new hearing aid."
What?................. Chaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: Who visited the witch of Endor? Saul (1 Sam. 28:7-8)
This week’s question: Who was the third king of Israel?
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