“The Lord, your God, is in your midst…he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with singing as on a day of festival.” Zephaniah 3:17
I hate mirrors. When I look in a mirror I see someone that I know too much about. There is a person that I know everything there is to know about. His thoughts, his deepest secrets, his failures and his pain. Most of us would not admit it but there is a deep spiritual battle that goes on when we look in a mirror. I’ve been honest with you. Be honest with yourself. How would you describe the person you see in the mirror? There is an enemy who would love to convince us that we are not worth much. Many times he wins in my mirror battle. Often I feel like such a failure and want to give up. Sometimes he makes me remember past sins and torture myself with negative criticism. But the Bible tells me that that is not pleasing to God. He wants us to forgive ourselves as he has forgiven us. He wants us to think of ourselves as he thinks of us. We are precious in his sight, honored and he loves us with an everlasting love. The verse above says (Terry phrase here) he does high fives and cartwheels when he thinks about us. He even has our picture on his refrigerator. I confess that while I have head knowledge of this truth, I have not applied it to my heart knowledge. So, if you want to get on better terms with the person in the mirror, join me in this little prayer tomorrow morning when you flip on the bathroom light and meet yourself in all your morning glory. Look that person square in the eyes and say, “I am a forgiven child of God. I am precious to my heavenly Father. He has a perfect plan for my life and he is rejoicing over me with gladness right now. So, let’s get cleaned up and get out there and tackle whatever work he has for me to do today.”
Thought for the week: "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is NEVER putting it in a fruit salad."
Funny for the week: "Romance"
My pregnant daughter and her husband were checking out a new birth facility that was more like a spa. The birthing room had a hot tub, soft music and candlelight.
"What do you think?" she said
He looked around. "Isn't this how we got here in the first place?"
Wise man………….. Chaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: Who was the father of Noah? Lemech (Gen. 5:30)
This week’s question: How many of Jesus’ brothers became Christians?
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