“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears them and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17
Do you remember the story about Jesus and Peter walking on the water? (Matthew 14:22-33) Jesus sent the disciples across the sea and they got in a real storm. After hours of going nowhere, Jesus came walking on the water and scared them out of 7 years growth. Peter asked Jesus to prove it was he by letting him walk on the water too. Jesus said “come” and he jumped out and walked over to him on the water. Then he became afraid and sank. End of the story, right? Not. We often miss the next little verse. Jesus reached out, pulled him back up on top of the water and together they both walked back to the boat and got in. He didn’t carry him and he didn’t make him swim. Peter started living the miracle again, although a little wet. Ever sink in your “walk” with the Lord? It is really not a question of if you will sink, but when you will sink. The good news is that when it happens and we cry, “HELP!” Jesus will reach out, put us back on the path and walk with us to the end. Maybe you are ashamed of failure. Maybe you are afraid he has given up on you. Sorry to inform you but He never gives up on his children. Very soon he will reach down and lift you up from your fear and sinking and again you will walk with renewed faith and confidence because he hears your cry and delivers his righteous ones out of all their troubles.
Thought for the week: I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
-- Thomas A. Edison, (attributed)
Funny for the week:
His wife's graveside service was just barely finished, when there was a massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance. The little, old man looked at the pastor and calmly said,
'Well, she's there.
Amen brother……….Chaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: How many horns does the beast have in Revelation 13? Ten (Rev. 13:1)
This week’s question: What did the eunuch ask Phillip after Phillip had preached to him about Jesus?
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