"Bless the Lord, O my soul,...bless his holy name. Who satisfies you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles." Psalm 103:1,5.
I don't know who coined the word, "nitpick", but they must have known a relative of mine. I bet you have one in your family or circle of friends. You may even have one in your church. Nothing and I mean nothing is ever fine. The soup was too cold. The vegetables were too hot. The dessert was too sweet. The room is too warm. The couch is too soft. The sermon was boring. The music was too modern. The birthday gift wasn't what I wanted. Gripe and complain about everything. Could it be that we do that to God? God sends us blessings and we think, "Yeah, that's nice but it would have been nicer if..." I wonder if God ever wonders if anything would satisfy us? If you are honest and find that you are doing that to Him, Stop and recognize God's blessings, then make yourself thank Him. Don't allow yourself to nitpick and try to improve upon God's goodness. Choose to act like a grateful child who is filled with the joy at the goodness of your Father.
Thought for the week: "The best way to keep your kids out of hot water is to put some dishes in it."
Funny for the week: "CD Sleeves"
My daughter Lili was five when she received a foam CD holder with plastic sleeves for all her music CDs. I explained to her that CDs are sensitive to light and heat, so she should not leave the holder in the sun.
During our home addition, the electrician was working in the backyard and Lili had gone to play in the sandbox, leaving her new CD holder on the patio table. My wife saw it and told Lili she was going to put it in the house.
Lili stood up in the sandbox and said, "Mommy, make sure you put it where the sun doesn't shine!"
The electrician took a break. (copied from you know where)
Please keep the family of Chaplain Harlow in your prayers. His mother, Frances passed away last night. Funeral will be Tuessday. Evans Funeral Services is in charge of the arrangements. You can contact Chaplain Harlow at
lou.harlow@gmail.comChaplain Barnes
Last week’s answer: How many years had a woman been bleeding that was healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment? 12 (Matt. 9:20-22)
This weeks question: In what plains did Moses die?
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