Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

“But the fruit of the Spirit is …...” Galatians 5:22

The supposedly “king of rock in roll” named Elvis once sang about being “all shook up.” I got to thinking about that and wondered, what comes out of me when I get “all shook up?” Imagine someone holding a full cup of coffee and having someone bump their elbow. What comes out of the cup? Only what is inside the cup splashes out. Not milk or juice but coffee. What about you and me? What is inside us that splashes out when we get verbally or emotionally bumped at home or work? Does anger, resentment, foul language or gossip spew from our mouth or does gentleness, kindness, meekness and forgiveness? God’s desire is to conform us to the image of his son and when Jesus had hectic days he NEVER was short or rude with anyone. Even on the cross dying a horrible death he did not curse or berate, but prayed for those who were killing and tormenting him. Your faith is not put to the test sitting in a church pew with people who care about you. It is molded and tested on the rough and hectic days when you get bumped and shoved by people who are seemingly intent on making you miserable. When they bump you, what comes out? Listen to your words next time. Are they fruit of the spirit or fruit of the flesh words.

Thought for the week: “You may not like Mondays, but they are one-seventh of your life.”
Funny for the week: Mari's Voice
My friend Mari has a screechy voice that makes people queasy to hear it.
The other day she came over for dinner. I served squid.
After dinner she went out on the terrace and, observing a gorgeous sunset, she yelled in for the rest of us to come out and see it.
I felt suddenly nauseated. At first I thought it was something I had eaten.
Actually it was the call o' Mari.
Chaplain Barnes

Last week’s answer: What normally sinkable item did Elisha make float? (An iron axe head 2 Kings 6:6)
This week’s question: How many generations were there from Abraham to King David – 7, 8,14,20,or 23?

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