Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009

"I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

Put yourself in his place. Think for a moment. He is in prison. Not a clean heated and cooled one like Caldwell has, but a dirty filthy stinking damp rat infested hole in the ground. He was waiting to be executed the next day. They would come for him at noon, drag him from his cell, stretch his neck over a block and chop his head off. What he did not know was that a church across town was praying for him. God answered their prayers and sent an angel to rescue him. But what was he doing? SLEEPING! Peter was asleep! He had given the Lord his fears and how he was at such peace he was sleeping. Man, I wish I had faith like that. Peter knew his Lord and Jesus had given Peter such inner peace that life or death, imprisonment or freedom mattered none. God can and does give us an inner serenity when we abide in Him. Like a parent calming a frightened child, the Lord wants to take away our fears. Will you let Him? Will I? Will we seek Him and let Him deliver us from ALL our fears? The decision is ours.

Thought for the week: You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. -- John J. Plomp

Funny for the week: "Locked Out"

First I had to work late. Then I discovered that I'd locked my keys in the car. But the last straw was learning that roadside service couldn't get a locksmith to me for at least two hours. Finally the guy showed, looking exhausted.

As he struggled with my door, I joked, "Do those Slim Jim tools come in purse-size?"

"Yeah," he muttered. "They're called keys."


"To prevent sagging skin, eat 'til the wrinkles fill out."

My kind of reasoning………………………….Chaplain Barnes

Last week’s answer: What was the garment of John the Baptist made of? Camel hair (Matt. 3:4)

This week’s question: In the Beatitudes, who does Jesus say will be satisfied (or filled)?

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