Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011

"Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find…" John 7:7

Allow me a personal indulgence today. It is actually December as I write this devotion. I try to stay several months ahead. So if the Lord ever touches you with what is said, you will know it is Him and not me. He makes the application current to what is written months before. But back to the story. I had written all of last months devotions and part of this months devotions day before yesterday. Yesterday I came in planning to continue working on them and could not find them in the computer. My heart sank to my toenails and I thought I would scream. All day I searched but could not find this file. This morning when I kissed my bride good-by I asked her to pray that I would find the file. Before I began this morning I paused and prayed, "God, you know where that file is. You care about the little things in our life too. You know I spent over eight hours working on that devotion file. You know where it is. Please, if you want me to use what I have written, show me where that file is hidden. Amen" I knew my wife was also praying, so I began hunting, again. Within ten minutes as I combed through my files, there it was, winking and grinning like a mischievous little kid at me. Yes I believe God cares about cancer and wars. But I also believe he cares about computer files and police reports. Next time before you start to "seek," remember to follow John’s advice and ask first. It really does work because "He cares for you."


Thought for the week: "The greatest thing about Grace is that it makes life not fair."


Funny for the week: Baby Supplies

My husband is always complaining about my inability to stay on a budget and about the costs of running the household in general.

This has become worse since we had twins. Everything is double -- clothes, food, pediatrician bills.

Lately, he has even been complaining about the amount of baby powder I have been using on the twins to prevent them from getting diaper rashes.

I've had to remind him that ... talc is cheap.

Got cha on that one didn't I.......... Chaplain Barnes

Last week’s answer: As recorded in the book of Numbers, what was the minimum age for conscription into the Israelite army? 20 years (Num. 1:3)

This weeks question: Who was Jacob's favorite wife?

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