Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1, 2010

“If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at your door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” Gen. 4:7

“How do you react when someone suggests you have done something wrong? Do you move to correct the mistake or do you deny that you need to correct it? Maybe you even attack the person that pointed out your wrong. After Cain’s sacrifice was rejected, God gave him the chance to right his wrong and try again. God even encouraged him to do this. But Cain refused, and the rest of his life is a startling example of what happens to those who refuse to admit their mistakes. (He wandered in the land of Nod [Nod means forever wandering], forever separated from the presence of God) For Cain to master the sin crouching at the entrance to his desires, he would have to give up his jealous anger so that sin would not find a foothold in his life. Like Cain, we will be victims of sin if we do not master it.” (Life Application Bible. Parentheses mine)

Thought for the week: Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. -- Edgar Allan Poe, "Eleonora"

Funny for the week: "Flight Attendant Trivia"

To pass the time while our plane was being de-iced, the flight attendants played a trivia game with the passengers. They asked us to guess the total number of years the three of them had worked for the airlines.

After an attendant collected our estimates, we heard the announcement:

"The correct answer is 26 years. For the two people who came closest with 28 years, we have prizes. And for the passenger in seat 12F who guessed 85 years, would you please step off the plane once we are airborne."

You go girl…….Chaplain Barnes

Last week’s answer:

8. How many Angels spoke to the Shepherds?

a. One See Luke 2:9

b. Three

c. A “multitude”

d. None of the above

This week’s question:

9. What “sign” did the angel tell the shepherds to look for?

a. “This way to baby Jesus”

b. A star over Bethlehem

c. A baby that doesn’t cry

d. A house with a Christmas tree

e. A baby in a stable

f. None of the above

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